I finally finished Ansley's Tinkerbell dress. All of the pieces except the sleeves have been cut out since November or December of last year, right before our trip to Disneyland. I had finished a dress for each day (Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Snow White) so Tinkerbell got pushed to the bottom. She's not exactly my favorite in the classic Peter Pan. I think her newer spin off series are probably better but we haven't seen them.
Anyway, this is the same dress with flutter sleeves from a different view (simplicity 0351a which also has another number but I don't know what it is). I got a little confused with the bias binding of the armholes but did something that worked but probably wasn't what the instructions intended. I will have to do some more research.
The skirt is a also a circle with five free handed petals. (inspired by the petals on this gorgeous dress by icandy). Ansley picked to have a raw edge on the circle skirt so it's just zigzagged instead of folded under twice. I also zigzagged the raw edge of the sleeves and around the petals (which don't have raw edges b/c they're actually two petals sewn together).
I didn't calculate where to place the petals, just arranged them so they seemed just about right. I don't know why I didn't realize it was going to be a flower when the circle skirt is spread out completely. Ansley likes to step in her dresses rather than putting them on over her head.