I have a few requirements for Halloween costume sewing- they have to be worn more than once a year (preferably several times a year) or be something that doesn't exist in stores or be significantly cheaper than buying it. Fortunately my daughters have gotten a lot of use/wear from their Halloween costumes. I like to use sturdier fabrics so that they are washable and durable.

This summer Ansley read close to thirty books, including the Ranger's Apprentice series by John Flanagan. We both highly recommend it! Have you read it? The rangers have specific outfits- the most notable being the cloak that is excellent for blending into the forest (or desert or wintry forest) and protection from the elements, a green tunic, and brown pants.

The cloak fabric is from Joann. I used the free red riding hood pattern (child size) by fleece fun. If I had had more fabric I would've lengthened it. I even changed my serger thread from white to black just for this project. Haha. Anyway, I didn't follow the instructions and didn't use the recommended fabric but I still love how the hood came out. I love that the cape has shaping through the shoulders and instructions for lining the hood. I did some extra topstitching in grey to keep the slippery fabrics where I wanted them. It's a knit fabric and costume so I didn't hem it. We used a sew on toggle since we couldn't find an oak leaf button.

(We also couldn't find a bronze or silver oak leaf. Even though hers is gold, she isn't really retired).

The top is the Hey June Camden Raglan. I totally forgot it came with instructions/pattern piece for a kangaroo pocket. Ansley is super happy with the pocket! I sewed a size 10. Her measurements are between an 8 and 10. She decided to have cuffs for the sleeves and the band for the bottom. I adore the fit and this will get a lot of wear! Here's my affiliate link. (no additional cost to you, I get a small commission and you get an awesome pattern). The green fabric is from the star dust and moon beam group on facebook.

The leggings are the Love Notion Lil Leggins pattern with the yoga waistband. They fit together nicely. I also sewed a 10 and she is closer in height to an 8 but the 8 and 10 have the same waistband piece. The fabric is from Joann. After prewashing and cutting I realized this fabric is somewhat see through (!) especially when stretched so I'm really glad these leggings are kind of loose. They are also shiny and glittery and reflective, which helps.

Lisbon decided to be a rainbow penguin. Her dress is her rainbow birthday dress (made by rae geranium bodice and candy castle peppermint swirl dress skirt) plus her penguin costume from two years ago (from tjmaxx- definitely cheaper/easier to buy this one haha).

We went to the pumpkin patch and floral shop for trick or treating and stopped by the pumpkin display at the local park.

Hope you have a happy Halloween! Thanks for stopping by!