I have loved watching Mac sew family pajamas for her family over the last few years and was excited when she and Katie opened it up for anyone who wanted to sew pajamas! Get your free ticket here (so you can get discount codes and be eligible for prizes)! And read all about Sew Family Jammies with Sew Altered Style (Mac and Katie) and Maker Mountain Fabrics (Grace) and Blog Tour Coordinator Extraordinaire (Teri aka FaSewLa) here.

Today I am sharing matching sister jammies featuring Lisbon's favorite animal. If you've been following her for the last five years this comes as no surprise. This wonderful fabric was graciously gifted by Raspberry Creek Fabrics. Thank you Diana, Brittney, and team for literally making Lisbon's dreams come true (she used to dream about snuggling baby penguins every night) and getting my package here so quickly!

The fabric I used is the cotton lycra CLUB Black on Heathered Grey Geometric Penguins designed by Brittney Laidlaw. This was my first time sewing the grey base and it was so easy because my ball point needle sewed without skipping stitches (unlike my black pants later in this post) and the fabric can hold a press. I used the Hey June Camden Raglan for the tops and the Jalie Clara Leggings for the bottoms. Lisbon's set is a little long in the sleeves and in the length but too long is way better than too short and she will definitely enjoy being able to wear them longer. I picked the top sizes based on their chest measurments. (Lisbon was between two sizes so I sized up). I picked the leggings size that are two sizes bigger than their measurements because these are pajamas and I didn't want them to be as snug as workout leggings.

As life goes and we are still approaching the darkest days of the year I was not able to get pics of all of us together, well without pulling them out of school. Haha. But I did manage to get some phone pics of mine so you can see the cuteness. The top is the Hey June Union St Tee and the bottoms are a sized up Jalie Clara Leggings.

Printing all of our tops and all of our bottoms and sewing all of the penguin fabric took the same amount of time as sewing the black leggings. This isn't a pattern issue since I've made close to ten pairs of the same pattern- it's the fabric. Ugh. I had initially planned to make penguin leggings for myself too but I didn't take into account that the penguins are directional so I didn't have quite enough for leggings for me. Lisbon is totally fine that I now have extra penguin fabric for her. What should I make her?

Anyway the black fabric is a double brushed poly athletic fabric I found at Joann. I tried several ball point and stretch needles and the stitching was atrocious on the first pass. And on the second pass. And on the the third pass. You're probably surmised that I didn't hem these! I also omitted the elastic in the waist because I was so grumpy with the fabric. And in all honesty I will probably be wearing these in real life more than as pajama bottoms because they aren't as loose as I'd pictured after seeing the girls' leggings. And because the fabric really is soft and warm and it's my least favorite season.

Thank you for stopping by! I hope you're spending time doing things you love and staying healthy during this busy season. If you're looking for pajama inspiration be sure to check out the rest of the tour!
December 2 Teri // Fa Sew La
December 4 Sierra // Seams Like Sierra
December 6 Emily // Replicate then Deviate
December 10 Heidi // Handmade Frenzy
December 11 Sharon // Sweet Mama Life
December 12 Carrie // Beri Bee Designs
December 13 Katie // KatieKortman.com
December 16 Melissa // A HAPPY STITCH
December 17 Taish // Blooming Skies
December 18 Leanne // Thready For It
December 19 Laurie // Make It Sew with The Bear And Pea Atelier
December 20 Brooke // Idle Sunshine
December 21 Marissa // Sew Help Me
December 23 Lara // Handmade by Lara Liz
December 24 Kelly // Petite Stitchery
December 25 Jess // Broad In The Seams
December 26 Victoria // Victoria Beppler
December 27 Heather // Heather Handmade
December 28 Sylvia // The Ravel Out
December 30 Victoria // Victoria Lucille Anne
December 31 Teronia // Sew Haute Blog