A bookmark for our little reader who likes to "save [her] page."
Fun at ijump.
Jamba Juice.
Coolest toy.
(not pictured dinner at Red Robin which I regret not bringing my camera to and the car wash).
Strawberry cake. I wasn't too impressed with the recipe that started with a white cake mix but couldn't find any other top rated strawberry cake recipes. However the icing was delicious and I am planning to use it on fruit rolls. . . .
Ansley's birthday interview (read last year's here)
Birthday- April 29th
Favorite color- blue (news to us- usually it's pink and purple)
Favorite animal- chick
Favorite foods- macaroni and cheese, sandwiches
Favorite drink- soda (probably b/c she rarely gets it haha)
Favorite movie- Snow White
Favorite song- "Yo Ho (A Pirate's Life for Me)"
Favorite TV show- "I like movies" and Leave it to Beaver
Favorite things to do- open presents, build things (also riding her bike, playing with friends, playing the piano)
Favorite toy- blocks
Favorite book- Princess book
Favorite restaurant- Red Robin
Things we think are really cool:
Ansley is really good at reading books! I love to hear her little voice sounding out unfamiliar words and putting emphasis on certain words. She can read some books that are after beginning reader level and ones that don't have a lot of rhyming words. It's taken me a few months to get used to her being about to read when we're driving- she'll often ask why certain places are called what they're called. She's also starting to ask us how to spell words so she can write them.
She can write her first name without help and almost her last name.
She is interested in maps and knowing where we are on maps. She also likes to know what streets we're on.
She is learning to play the piano. She knows her right and left hands and the correct finger numbers. She can play several simple songs and is grasping the concept of half notes being longer than quarter notes.
She's learning simple addition and subtraction.
She's definitely smarter than we were when we were her age!
Each year gets more fun with her. It's nice that we can reason with her (most of the time) and that she remembers what happens when she disobeys. She also has less tantrums, which is fabulous. We are so lucky to have her!
Oh and in case you missed it I guest posted twice this month!! :) See here and here.
Happy birthday to Ansley!