The second Ansley saw the line drawing for the Fern Cardigan she was really excited because I have a similar cardigan and she always comments how she wants one just like it. We had just enough orange interlock fabric to squeeze out the short sleeved version and we LOVE it.

The Fern Cardigan is a darling knit cardigan with a sweet peplum and collar. It comes in short, elbow, or long sleeves. It comes in sizes 12m-8 years or 6 years-16 years or a bundle. There is an optional tie with a bow.

This was a really quick sew and one of the easiest pattern tests I've participated in. I love how the peplum looks in a slightly sturdier fabric. I made Ansley a size 8, which is exactly what she measures. Everything fit together easily. The pattern has a layers option, which makes it easy to cut out and gives me less headaches. The instructions are great!

Ansley is wearing a Hey June Camden Raglan and Sew Like My Mom Boxwood Joggers.

Lisbon didn't want to be left out. She is also wearing Boxwood Joggers.

I foresee many versions of the Fern Cardigan in the future!! The Fern Cardigan is on sale through the end of Monday. Thanks for stopping by!

This orange fabric is great!!! The whole outfit is funky. I love it!