I managed to snag a Bonanza Bag of swim fabric measuring from 1-18 inches. It was really stuffed and came in a fun reusable Fabric Fairy bag! You never really know what you're going to get with a grab bag/mystery bag/bonanza bag so I checked out and hoped for the best, knowing I could use the fabrics I didn't love for practice garments. I know what I like as far as patterns/prints/colors so I was happy to get so many fabrics that I really truly like!

I only used a handful of fabrics, including this small piece for Ansley.

I chose to sew the Greenstyle Power Sports Bra because I'd only sewn it up once before and I thought it would work with my smaller cuts of fabric.
It finally occurred to me that reprinting the few pages of the bra is worth it and trimming 1/4 inch off the paper pattern is easier than trimming the fabric after it's cut.

I also remembered to use different colored washable markers to differentiate between my outer fabric and lining fabric.

Since I feel like we are still in The Great Elastic Shortage I made do with the elastic I had on hand. I sewed the straps together right sides together, turned them right sides out, then added the elastic because I did not have enough clear elastic for most of them. I also omitted the clear elastic on the top. I used some 3/8 inch swim elastic and some 1/4 inch elastic because that's what I had. :) I really debated zigzagging the straps (I don't have a coverstitch) but decided I liked the simpler/sleeker look.
I also found the lower band too snug for me. On my second and third ones I added some width to the bottom band. Ansley also chose to have no elastic in her bottom band.
And I sewed in the cups! My first one had removable cups and it's so annoying when they get twisted and come out in the wash.
MORE DETAILS: (subtitle "end of Tips section" haha)
I sewed Ansley's first. I picked grey straps because I didn't have quite enough of the main fabric and if the grey straps peek out from her shirt they are more neutral than the print. I sewed her the smallest size possible. I feel like the lower cut is much lower on her than the lower cut is on me. She commented on it (probably because she tried it on over another bra haha) and I reminded her it's underwear lol.
3/8 inch swim elastic in the straps. No elastic in the bottom band, per her request. Smallest size, lower cut line. (this fabric, which feels lovely!) and here (I think). No cups.

My first one (in which I discovered I prefer more width in the bottom band) (technically my second one ever but first one this go around)
3/8 inch swim elastic in the straps. Soft elastic in the bottom band. No elastic at the upper edges. Fabric here, which feels softer and lighter than I expected (the medium weight in the description is accurate) and is super fun. I'm not really an animal print person but I really like this one.) I think it's this grey fabric. Thin cups from The Stash.

Next up is this beauty!
I used 1/4 inch elastic because I ran out of 3/8 inch. I trimmed off 1/4 inch on the straps before sewing. Added some width to both the bottom band and measured the elastic so it felt comfortable around my ribs. Cups from The Stash (from Amazon) A heavier version of this fabric here. White fabric here, I think. (best guess because it's a mystery bag!)

And finally the boring one but the one that was really needed. I have found myself wearing darker tops because I didn't have a bra that would go under it without showing. This solves my problem! 1/4 inch elastic in the straps, wider bottom band and bottom soft elastic. Clear elastic at the top. Cups from The Stash (from Amazon). Fabric here.

Pretty light purple topstitching.

I realized the last time I sewed bras I sewed three for me and one for Ansley, which happened again! (I did recently buy her some rtw ones and they fit well. Plus she's growing). Both times I ended up with one for me that are a little too snug to wear all day every day but will be great for whenever I find a gym that I like and whenever it's safe to go.
Thanks for stopping by!