Saturday, August 17, 2013

Rogue River Gorge

Tyrone's parents and littlest sister came to see us the day he got back from high adventure with the Scouts at City of Rocks. We had a quick visit here and then they were back on the road (they drove here from Wisconsin!) and we piled in our car and headed west. It was a very smoky day and we decided we needed a rest and ended up at the Rogue River scenic turnout, which was actually a set of interpretive trails and not just a scenic overlook. I'm glad we just happened to stop!

(all of these pics are unedited. The smoke really warmed the colors in these pics)

rogue river gorge by replicate then deviate

A living stump.

living stump rogue river gorge by replicate then deviate

rogue river gorge by replicate then deviate

Lava tube across the gorge.

lava tube rogue river gorge by replicate then deviate

rogue river gorge by replicate then deviate

rogue river gorge by replicate then deviate

rogue river gorge by replicate then deviate

rogue river gorge by replicate then deviate

rogue river gorge by replicate then deviate

rogue river gorge by replicate then deviate

rogue river gorge by replicate then deviate

Back on the road. . . .

smoky by replicate then deviate

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